Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

[A437.Ebook] Download Cruising Chef Cookbook, 2nd ed., by Michael Greenwald

Download Cruising Chef Cookbook, 2nd ed., by Michael Greenwald

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Cruising Chef Cookbook, 2nd ed., by Michael Greenwald

Cruising Chef Cookbook, 2nd ed., by Michael Greenwald

Cruising Chef Cookbook, 2nd ed., by Michael Greenwald

Download Cruising Chef Cookbook, 2nd ed., by Michael Greenwald

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Cruising Chef Cookbook, 2nd ed., by Michael Greenwald

The Cruising Chef Cookbook is the bestselling, most extensive sailors' cookbook ever written. Twenty-two years in print and ten reprints make it clear that sailors consider it essential equipment.The new Cruising Chef is actually a book of nautical wisdom in the guise of a cookbook. It contains hundreds of tips plus more than 300 delicious recipes. Includes an extensive discussion of preparing for a voyage and resupplying in native markets."Special Cooking Techniques" describes pressure cooking, stir frying and grilling, particularly useful techniques for the galley chef. Greenwald's salty humor is found throughout the book. His vignette, "Planning for the Big Eater" is a delight. "Fishing" is a sidesplitting description of his idea of sport fishing.

  • Sales Rank: #423243 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Paradise Cay Publications
  • Published on: 2010-01-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.90" h x .80" w x 6.00" l, .92 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 300 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

33 of 34 people found the following review helpful.
The Cruising Chef Cookbook
By Christine Carr
Having just begun sailing, cruising and cooking aboard our sailing vessel, I wanted an up-to-date good reference manual. I found this book quite by chance. I consider this to be an essential item for the "chef" aboard ship. Every tip imaginable is included. The recipes are simple to prepare, yet elegant and tasty. To my surprise it also contains a section on what to do with certain food obtained "on the hoof" in 3rd world countries. I will buy this book for friends as a Bon Voyage present. A "must-have" book in the galley! The sailing stories scattered about the book are also good reading.

17 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
By A Customer
Excellent recipes that kept two guys well fed during a year in the Caribbean and scurvy free when crossing the Atlantic.
The stories are very funny, the fishing guide hysterical - this guy has had some life.

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Enticing recipes suited to enhance the joy of sailing
By Midwest Book Review
Now in an expanded and revised second edition, Michael Greenwald's The Cruising Chef Cookbook continuous to offer nautical wisdom, hundreds of ships and words of wisdom, short stories and vignettes on sailing, as well as enticing recipes perfectly suited to enhance the joy of sailing, from boating on rivers and lakes to nautical ventures on the high seas. The Cruising Chef Cookbook is an ideal gift for the novice sailor, and great for simply browsing through for anyone aspiring to one day set sail for adventure!

See all 27 customer reviews...

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Cruising Chef Cookbook, 2nd ed., by Michael Greenwald PDF

Cruising Chef Cookbook, 2nd ed., by Michael Greenwald PDF

Cruising Chef Cookbook, 2nd ed., by Michael Greenwald PDF
Cruising Chef Cookbook, 2nd ed., by Michael Greenwald PDF

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