Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

[K623.Ebook] Ebook Download Three Guys Walk Into A Bar: How To Thrive As A Creative Business, by Jim Shields

Ebook Download Three Guys Walk Into A Bar: How To Thrive As A Creative Business, by Jim Shields

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Three Guys Walk Into A Bar: How To Thrive As A Creative Business, by Jim Shields

Three Guys Walk Into A Bar: How To Thrive As A Creative Business, by Jim Shields

Three Guys Walk Into A Bar: How To Thrive As A Creative Business, by Jim Shields

Ebook Download Three Guys Walk Into A Bar: How To Thrive As A Creative Business, by Jim Shields

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Three Guys Walk Into A Bar: How To Thrive As A Creative Business, by Jim Shields

Every freelance creative I know dreads the “party question” – “So… what do you do?”

After more than 29 years working as a freelance creative in Europe and the US, Jim Shields has developed a method for determining the best answer to that question. One you can communicate to your clients, to your prospects, and most importantly to yourself.

Inspired by the likes of Seth Godin, Tim Ferris, and Derek Sivers to question the current wisdom, Jim set out to create a pathway to help creative professionals define themselves and carve out a profitable, and MEANINGFUL niche for their work - from veterans to those just starting out. You are now holding the treasure map to that coveted sweet spot.

Having interviewed dozens of creative individuals representing all sides of the industry, from photographers to composers to designers and film makers like himself, Jim outlines the most effective ways to structure your relationships with clients, to focus and sharpen your creative efforts, and to create a framework for a more successful career.

Three guys walk into a bar… one of them is going to work less, do better, and be happier. Which one are you?

  • Sales Rank: #1172223 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-04-06
  • Released on: 2015-04-06
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
“Find your cause. What makes you angry?”
By Travis S. Collier
Jim’s able to distill the lessons he’s learn from his creative life and others’ into an actionable parable.

The three guys the title alludes to are three types of creatives. Three people who are plying their craft. The first “guy” is “a guy”. Someone who’s a true novice, unable to be differentiated by anyone else in the phone book with the same job description. These aren’t the people who should or can command the highest rates—and they won’t produce the best products.

Next—you become “that guy”. You become someone who’s recommended. You’re someone who’s known to be good, to be in the game. Nothing wrong with being “that guy”—but you’re depending on a circle of referrals and recommendations to keep you in the game.

Finally—you become “THE GUY”. You become the person who benefits from the triangulation Jim notes of “right work, right price, and right timing”. You become the serendipity of your field. Your name is known not just to the family, but to people you’ve never heard of before. When you get onboard a project, you’re truly a team member, not just an extra pair of hands.

Cal Newport says “If your goal is to love what you do, you must first build up “career capital” by mastering rare and valuable skills, and then cash in this capital for the traits that define great work.” Jim’s book shows you what that looks like—how it feels to move along the progression of becoming “THE GUY” or “THE GAL” who can’t be duplicated or replaced.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A great read for anyone interested in more freedom and creativity in their work life
By Charity Gonzalez
Geared toward creative entrepreneurs, but a great read for anyone who wants to find more freedom in their life and business, by following some simple decision making guidelines around who you work for and the type of work you choose to do. In my business I want to be paid my value and treated with respect, this book sheds insights on how to approach your work to get the most back. Everyone needs to have some level of creativity in their work, I also learned some great tips on honing in on that process.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
It will make you ask yourself the tough, but important, questions about why you do what you do!
By Robert H. McCollum
Real stories from real professionals that inspire you to work toward having the kind of career you want.

I find myself still thinking about weeks after reading it!

See all 14 customer reviews...

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Three Guys Walk Into A Bar: How To Thrive As A Creative Business, by Jim Shields PDF

Three Guys Walk Into A Bar: How To Thrive As A Creative Business, by Jim Shields PDF

Three Guys Walk Into A Bar: How To Thrive As A Creative Business, by Jim Shields PDF
Three Guys Walk Into A Bar: How To Thrive As A Creative Business, by Jim Shields PDF

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