Minggu, 16 November 2014

[T244.Ebook] Ebook Free Elite: Reclamation, by Drew Wagar

Ebook Free Elite: Reclamation, by Drew Wagar

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Elite: Reclamation, by Drew Wagar

Elite: Reclamation, by Drew Wagar

Elite: Reclamation, by Drew Wagar

Ebook Free Elite: Reclamation, by Drew Wagar

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Elite: Reclamation, by Drew Wagar

Written by Drew Wagar under official license from the creators of, and based in the vast universe of, the seminal space trading computer game Elite: Dangerous

Lady Kahina Loren, born into the Prism system's powerful ruling family, is desperate to throw off the shackles of her privileged lifestyle and discover herself, but ambition crumbles when she faces death at the hands of the one person she thought she could trust.

With the advanced technology of the third millennium, death is not always as final as it seems, but when that technology malfunctions, is death the better option?

Follow Drew on his website here: www.drewwagar.com.

Music by Allen Stroud. Cover design by Heather Murphy.

A Radio Theatre Workshop production for Fantastic Books Audio. All rights reserved.

  • Sales Rank: #15928 in Audible
  • Published on: 2016-01-08
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 689 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Entertaining, but shallow
By Dan-Erik Lindberg
This book is OK. There's plenty of action, twists and turns in the story. I would say it is equivalent to a modern Hollywood action movie, like "The Expendables". And just like The Expendables uses the fame of its actors to draw a crowd, this book uses the fame of the Elite franchise to draw readers. Nothing wrong with that, it's all part of marketing. As long as you approach it with the right expectations, you will not be disappointed.

For a bit deeper analysis, I would compare it with Drew Karpyshin's books about Darth Bane in the Star Wars Franchise. In that comparison, Drew Wagar's book falls incredibly short. Where Karpyshin draws up compelling characters with deep motivation driving every action, Wagar answers with shallow characters who seem mostly driven by madness. Where Karpyshyn lays down the fundaments of a credible ideology, Wagar doesn't even seem to grasp basic psychology. After reading Karpyshyn's books, I felt like I gained a better understanding of the real world, alongside a largely overlooked part of SW franchise. But after reading Wagar's book, I am not left with any insights into anything, just a vague feeling of having been entertained for a short while.

I imagine the five stars rating system as a bell curve, where three stars is an average book, and the others are deviations from the average. It should be exceedingly rare to give a five star rating. And this book is smack in the middle, a book like most other books, just a fictional story that could keep you entertained for a while, but nothing you will remember or tell others "you have to read this". But it is neither a book where you tell others "no, don't waste your time with it". So I give it three stars.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Fantastic - highly recommended - can't wait for a sequel!
By Slopey
Excellent read. Really enjoyed the characters, and the settings. It's fast paced, with plenty of changes of location, a few plot twists along the way, and even if you're not a fan of the Elite game series, is definitely worth a read!

Really looking forward to a sequel!

For the price, it's a steal, and a great book for anyone who's a fan of space opera.

Both thumbs, way up! :)

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Competent, maybe Dangerous, but definitely not Elite
By Jonathan
I, too, remember the original, along with the Master 128 version and the sequels. Not just the official ones, but FFE3D and Oolite as well. Good games all. I was certified Elite by Acorn, in the early days. Play E:D and Horizons now.

So, how does this book stack up?

The first thing to bear in mind is that I'm a harsh reviewer when it comes to existing universes. A lot of the difficult work has been done, after all. I've reviewed a lot of fan fiction over the years, written some as well. I have intense difficulty in writing up to my expectations, which is where expectations aught to be. There's no higher rating than the best, for the obvious reason that it's the best, so there should be very little worthier of praise than that which merits the best. That is why other ranks exist, not to condemn but to show limits.

This book has limits. It's impossible to empathize with the characters. They're all unlikable, self-centred morons with zero compassion for anyone or anything else. If that was just the bad guys, it would be bad enough, truly evil people are very rare and very self-destructive. They're not effective villains. But when it's the good guys as well - then it's insane.

A farm boy gets in over his head and rescues a Senator, and in the big battle gets saved by a pilot who had left and returns - think that one got used in 1978.

Lots of minisodes here, welded together, rather than one cohesive story. I see the author's description bears striking resemblance to that of Anne McCaffery's, whose first Dragonrider novel was exactly that - independent short stories rewritten as a novel. It featured a heiress whose family was slain reclaiming her title then handing it off to a minder. There are some differences here, but they're mild.

So it's derivative. That's where it loses the second star.

So why rate it Competent-to-Dangerous? Because, once you subtract the derivative plot elements and obvious Plot Device This Way signs, the basic narrative hangs together well, the universe feels basically as it should, all the elements are right, the key ingredients are there. I do not regret buying the book, the author did a perfectly respectable job. It functions. If it were a trading vessel in this universe, it would probably be an upgraded Krait or Sidewinder. Something that'll carry a story but only to safe spaces.

See all 15 customer reviews...

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